Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How much God Loves You!

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whososever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

While I have read this verse many, many times I had never really noticed that Jesus said this! You know often in this life we feel unloved (or at least I do) but it is so good to know I have a heavenly father that loves me even when I am unloveable. He loves me so much he sacrificed his only son just for me (and just for you). I think we often forget the magnitude of that sacrifice. I like to watch a show called Word Pictures and once they told a story about a man whose job it was to control a railroad bridge and once he took his son to work with him and his son was playing on the tracks as the train approached... Now this man loved his son dearly of course but there were 400 people on the train. All the father had to do was throw the switch and all those people would die and his son would be saved, but if he didn't his son would die. The man sacrificed his son for the all the lives on the train and as the train passed he saw that the people on the train just went on about their business and acted like nothing had happened. This crushed the father that they didn't appreciate the huge sacrifice that he had sacrificed his own son for them. I imagine that's how God feels when we ignore his precious sacrifice for us.

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